How to Celebrate

“Inspired by the Gospel, the Fathers of the Church from the earliest centuries stressed that just as St. Joseph took loving care of Mary and gladly dedicated himself to Jesus Christ’s upbringing, he likewise watches over and protects Christ’s Mystical Body, that is, the Church.”
How to Celebrate the Year of St. Joseph
As we devote an entire year to St. Joseph’s honor, we will undoubtedly unlock many special graces not only for the Diocese of Charlotte, but for each of the faithful who increase their devotion to him during this special year. There is no greater model than St. Joseph from whom we can learn how to live virtuously in imitation of Jesus and Mary.
“Devotion to St. Joseph is one of the choicest graces that God can give to a soul, for it is tantamount to revealing the entire treasury of our Lord’s graces,” wrote St. Peter Julian Eymard, “When God wishes to raise a soul to greater heights, he unites it to St. Joseph by giving it a strong love for the good saint.”
Below are ideas for how to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph:
For Individuals:
- Begin the Year of St. Joseph with a special intention for his intercession, for which you will offer your prayers and St. Joseph devotions throughout the year.
- Learn about St. Joseph’s virtues and try to imitate them
- Participate in the 33-day consecration to St. Joseph
- Pray the Holy Rosary daily, reciting the Year of St. Joseph prayer at the conclusion
- Plan a pilgrimage to one or more of the St. Joseph parishes across the diocese
- Adopt St. Joseph traditions into your prayer life and family life
- Attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on his feast days: March 19th and May 1st
- Participate in the Year of St. Joseph events across the diocese
- Include prayers to St. Joseph in your morning and evening prayers
- Encourage others to foster as greater devotion to St. Joseph
- Take advantage of the Year of St. Joseph indulgences granted by the Holy See
For parishes:
- Offer the Votive Mass of St. Joseph on Wednesdays, the traditional day given to his honor *
- Recite a prayer to St. Joseph after daily Masses, such as the Litany of St. Joseph
- Plan special prayers and activities during March, the month the Church dedicates to St. Joseph
- Offer opportunities for parishioners to participate in a 33-day consecration to St. Joseph, with the final consecration prayer said in unison at the parish lead by the pastor or parochial vicar
- Celebrate St. Joseph’s feast days on March 19th and May 1st with a special celebration, such as the St. Joseph’s Table
- Incorporate a study of St. Joseph’s virtues into catechetical lessons and activities throughout the year using the monthly themes for the Year of St. Joseph.
- Include a link to the Year of St. Joseph website on the parish website
- Promote the Year of St. Joseph events in your parish bulletins and social media channels
- Launch a Fraternity of St. Joseph men’s group
* Priests who have pastoral care of souls are encouraged to lead devotions with the lay faithful on Wednesdays throughout the year. This can include the recitation of the Litany of St. Joseph before or at the end of Mass or weekly recitation of the Chaplet of St. Joseph. When not impeded by an obligatory memorial or feast, priests are encouraged to celebrate a Votive Mass of St. Joseph (n. 13) on Wednesdays while using the daily readings or choosing appropriate readings according to the General Instruction of the Roman Lectionary. These Wednesday celebrations are an opportune time to develop a catechesis on the saintly figure of St. Joseph and expound upon the virtues of Christian manhood and family life.