Saint Quotes About St. Joseph
“God sets a father in honor over his children…” (Sirach 3:2)
“In Joseph … heads of the household are blessed with the unsurpassed model of fatherly watchfulness and care.”

Pope Leo XIII
“He is Holy Joseph, because according to the opinion of a great number of doctors, he, as well as St. John Baptist, was sanctified even before he was born. He is Holy Joseph, because his office, of being spouse and protector of Mary, specially demanded sanctity. He is Holy Joseph, because no other Saint but he lived in such and so long intimacy and familiarity with the source of all holiness, Jesus, God incarnate, and Mary, the holiest of creatures.”

St. John Henry Newman
“Knowing by experience St. Joseph’s astonishing influence with God, I would wish to persuade everyone to honor him with particular devotion. I have always seen those who honored him in a special manner make progress in virtue, for this heavenly protector favors in a striking manner the spiritual advancement of souls who commend themselves to him.”

St. Teresa of Avila
“Saint Joseph. One cannot love Jesus and Mary without loving the Holy Patriarch.”

St. Josemaria Escriva
“Some Saints are privileged to extend to us their patronage with particular efficacy in certain needs, but not in others; but our holy patron St. Joseph has the power to assist us in all cases, in every necessity, in every undertaking.”

St. Thomas Aquinas
“Joseph, of royal blood, united by marriage to the greatest and holiest of women, reputed the father of the Son of God, passed his life in labor, and won by the toil of the artisan the needful support of his family.”

Pope Leo XIII
“We wonder why the Gospel makes so little mention of St. Joseph. But did it not say everything when it taught us that he was the husband of Mary?”

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade
“Jesus and Mary themselves obey and offer their homage to Joseph, for the reverence what the hand of God has established in him, namely, the authority of spouse and the authority of father.”

Pope Pius XI
“There are many saints to whom God has given the power to assist us in the necessities of life, but the power given to St. Joseph is unlimited: It extends to all our needs, and all those who invoke him with confidence are sure to be heard.”

St. Thomas Aquinas
“He [St. Joseph] belongs to the working-class, and he bore the burdens of poverty for himself and the Holy Family, whose tender and vigilant head he was.”

Pope Pius XI
“Nothing will be refused him [St. Joseph], neither by Our Lady nor by his glorious son.”

St. Francis de Sales
“Since God wanted to obey you [St. Joseph], allow me to be in your service, to honor you and love you as my Lord and Master.”

St. Alphonsus Liguori
“The growth of Jesus ‘in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man’ (Lk. 2:52) took place within the Holy Family under the eyes of St. Joseph, who had the important task of ‘raising’ Jesus, that is, feeding, clothing, and educating him in the Law and in a trade, in keeping with the duties of a father.”

St. John Paul II
“Make him [St. Joseph] the patron of your family and you will soon have tangible proof of his protecting hand.”

St. Peter Julian Eymard
“If Joseph was so engaged, heart and soul, in protecting and providing for that little family at Nazareth, don’t you think that now in heaven he is the same loving father and guardian of the whole Church, of all its members, as he was of its Head on earth?”

Ven. Pope Pius XII
“Since Mary is what might be called a ‘virginizer’ of young men as well as women, and the greatest inspiration of Christian purity, should she not logically have begun by inspiring and virginizing the first youth whom she had probably ever met – Joseph, the Just? It was not by diminishing his power to love but by elevating it that she would have her first conquest, and in her own spouse, the man who was a man, and not a senile watchman!”

Ven. Fulton J. Sheen
“In human life, Joseph was Jesus’ teacher in their daily contact, full of refined affection, glad to deny himself to take better care of Jesus. Isn’t that reason enough for us to consider this just man, this holy patriarch, in whom the faith of the Old Covenant comes to full fruition, as a master of interior life? Interior life is nothing but continual and direct conversation with Christ, so as to become one with him. And Joseph can tell us many things about Jesus. Therefore, never neglect devotion to him—Ite ad Ioseph: “Go to Joseph”—as Christian tradition puts it in the words of the Old Testament (Gen 41:55)”

St. Josemaría Escriva
“Let us love Jesus above all, let us love Mary as our mother; but then, how could we keep from loving Joseph, who was so intimately united to both Jesus and Mary? And how can we honor him better than by imitating his virtues? Now, what else did he do in all his life but contemplate, study, and adore Jesus, even in the midst of his daily labors? Behold, therefore, our model.”

St. Madeleine Sophie Barat
“A servant of Mary will have a tender devotion to St. Joseph, and by his pious homage of respect and love, will endeavor to merit the protection of this great saint.”

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade
“He [St. Joseph] is patron of vocations, so pray to him for the grace of fulfilling your duties well and of directing your children in their path of life. Inspire them with devotion to St. Joseph. It will bring them happiness.”

St. Peter Julian Eymard
“Whoever fails to find a Master to teach him how to pray, should choose this glorious Saint, and he will not go astray.”

St. Teresa of Avila
“In our time Our Lady has helped us comprehend and love her dear and chaste husband, St. Joseph. She has told us of the mystery surrounding him and of his greatness. She has let us know something of her love for St. Joseph, that most lovable saint who for years held the Word made flesh in his arms.”

Blessed Gabriele Allegra
“Whereas Adam and Eve were the source of evil which was unleashed on the world, Joseph and Mary are the summit from which holiness spreads all over the earth.”

Pope St. John Paul II
“In Joseph … heads of the household are blessed with the unsurpassed model of fatherly watchfulness and care.”

Pope Leo XIII
“Joseph was deeply pious, he prayed much for the coming of the Messiah.”

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
“Be in good spirits under the fatherly mantle of St. Joseph, a place of safest refuge in trials and tribulations.”

St. Joseph Marello
“Jesus wished to become indebted to St. Joseph for the necessities of life, and of this holy patriarch alone it may be said that he saved the life of his Savior.”

St. Madeleine Sophie Barat
“Whereas Adam and Eve were the source of evil which was unleashed on the world, Joseph and Mary are the summit from which holiness spreads all over the earth.”

Pope St. John Paul II
“When we receive Holy Communion, let us consider that Jesus comes to us as a little baby, and then let us pray that St. Joseph help[s] us welcome him, as when he held him in his arms.”

St. Joseph Marello
“I have a great love for St. Joseph, because he is a man of silence and strength. On my table, I have an image of St. Joseph sleeping. Even when he is asleep, he is taking care of the Church! Yes! We know that he can do that. So when I have a problem, a difficulty, I write a little note and I put it underneath St. Joseph, so that he can dream about it! In other words, I tell him: ‘Pray for this problem!”

Pope Francis
“If anyone cannot find a master to teach him how to pray, let him take this glorious saint [Joseph] as his master, and he will not go astray.”

St. Bernadette Soubirous
“Both Mary and Joseph had made a vow to remain virgins all the days of their lives; and God wished them to be united in the bonds of marriage, not because they repented of the vow already made, but to be confirmed in it and to encourage each other to continue in this holy relation.”

St. Francis de Sales
“Devotion to St. Joseph is one of the choicest graces that God can give to a soul, for it is tantamount to revealing the entire treasury of our Lord’s graces. When God wishes to raise a soul to greater heights, he unites it to St. Joseph by giving it a strong love for the good saint.”

St. Peter Julian Eymard
“Truly, I doubt not that the angels, wondering and adoring, came thronging in countless multitudes to that poor workshop to admire the humility of him who guarded that dear and divine child, and labored at his carpenter’s trade to support the son and the mother who were committed to his care.”

St. Francis de Sales
“St. Joseph did not do extraordinary things, but rather by the constant practice of ordinary and common virtues, he attained that sanctity which elevates him above all the other saints.”

St. Joseph Marello
“His was the title of father of the Son of God, because he was the Spouse of Mary, ever Virgin. He was our Lord’s father, because Jesus ever yielded to him the obedience of a son. He was our Lord’s father, because to him were entrusted, and by him were faithfully fulfilled, the duties of a father, in protecting Him, giving Him a home, sustaining and rearing Him, and providing Him with a trade”

St. John Henry Newman
“Saint Joseph, our father and lord, is a teacher of the interior life. Place yourself under his patronage and you’ll feel the effectiveness of his power.”

St. Josemaria Escriva
“Mary belonged to Joseph, and Joseph to Mary, so much so that their marriage was very real, since they gave themselves to each other. But how could they do this? Behold the triumph of purity. They reciprocally gave their virginity, and over this virginity they gave each other a mutual right. What right? To safeguard the other’s virtue.”

St. Peter Julian Eymard
“As he himself [Jesus] was subject to St. Joseph while on earth, recognizing in him the authority of foster father and guardian, so now in heaven he is pleased to grant all his requests.”

St. Teresa of Avila
“If it is true that the Blessed Virgin is the keeper of all heavenly graces, that her love for the elect is the source of their glory and happiness, what must be the glory of St. Joseph whom she was obliged to love above all the saints, just as a good wife must love her husband above all men. Meditate on this.”

Blessed Boleslava Lament
“Go to Joseph! Have recourse with special confidence to St. Joseph, for his protection is most powerful, as he is the patron of the universal Church.”

Blessed Pope Pius IX
“The Almighty has concentrated in St. Joseph, as in a Sun of unrivalled lustre, the combined light and splendor of all the other saints.”

St. Gregory of Nanzianzen
“Inspired by the Gospel, the Fathers of the Church from the earliest centuries stressed that just as St. Joseph took loving care of Mary and gladly dedicated himself to Jesus Christ’s upbringing, he likewise watches over and protects Christ’s Mystical Body, that is, the Church, of which the Virgin Mary is the exemplar and model.”

St. John Paul II
“Joseph’s faith does not falter, he obeys quickly and to the letter.”

St. Josemaria Escriva
“To give life to someone is the greatest of all gifts. To save a life is the next. Who gave life to Jesus? It was Mary. Who saved his life? It was Joseph. Ask St. Paul who persecuted him. Ask St. Peter who denied him. Ask all the saints who put him to death. But if we ask, ‘Who saved his life?’ Be silent, patriarchs, be silent, prophets, be silent, apostles, confessors, and martyrs. Let St. Joseph speak, for this honor is his alone; he along is the savior of his Savior.”

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade
“Since we all must die, we should cherish a special devotion to St. Joseph that he may obtain for us a happy death.”

St. Alphonsus Liguori
“I have never known a person to have been truly devoted to St. Joseph and to have rendered him special honor without seeing him advance rapidly in virtue; because the holy patriarch assists with special care those who recommend themselves to him … should the reader not believe my words, I only ask him for the love of God to make a trial and he will experience for himself what a grace it is to recommend oneself to this glorious patriarch.”