Diocesan Pilgrimages
In honor of St. Joseph
Year of St. Joseph Pilgrimages
As a spiritually fruitful way to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph, we encourage the faithful to make a pilgrimage to the many parishes and chapels named for St. Joseph across the Diocese of Charlotte.
For this purpose, the official Year of St. Joseph Prayer Book—with a forward written by Bishop Jugis—is now available for purchase. The prayer book includes blank, passport-style pages to be stamped at each parish or chapel with an official Year of St. Joseph stamp customized for each location.
Click here to order your Year of St. Joseph prayer book, or check with your parish office about placing a bulk order at a special discounted rate from our local Catholic publisher.
Plan out your 2021 calendar! Make it a family or group activity to collect all the stamps as part of your Year of St. Joseph devotional activities.

A pilgrimage is no ordinary journey. It’s a kind of “holy traveling” undertaken with resolve for a particular spiritual purpose. Throughout Church history the faithful have traveled to holy sites—whether it’s a place where a saint lived, where a miracle occurred, or where a saint is especially honored—to obtain a special favor and to do penance for one’s sins.
When a church is named for a saint, it means that particular saint is its special heavenly guardian and intercessor. When you travel to parishes named for St. Joseph and leave your prayer intentions at his altars, it shows him special honor and will increase the blessings and graces you’ll receive through his intercession.
To have a fruitful pilgrimage, simply carry a special prayer intention in your mind and heart. You can have a single intention, or a different one for each destination. Upon arrival kneel near St. Joseph’s altar or statue and pray fervently, asking him to intercede with Jesus Christ for your request. Conclude by offering prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving.
Holy Mother Church offers us many opportunities to do penance for our sins. In addition to encouraging us to make a holy pilgrimage, another opportunity is by granting indulgences to the faithful. Indulgences are specific devotional acts delineated by the Holy See that, when faithfully performed, have the power to remit the temporal punishment for our own sins or for the sins of our departed loved ones. The Holy See has given us many ways to gain indulgences during the Year of St. Joseph. Read about them here.
St. Joseph Parishes & Chapels
Make a pilgrimage to the sacred places named for St. Joseph
across the Diocese of Charlotte!
Visit one or all nine locations in 2021!

Mt. Holly
“Old St. Joseph” historical site
N.C. 273 & Sandy Ford Rd.
Mt Holly, NC 28120
*Church will be open for Mass on the first Sunday of every month from February to December from 1pm to 3:30pm. A historic site only with no bathroom facilities. Pilgrim groups can arrange for a tour by contacting Queen of the Apostles Catholic Church in Belmont, NC.

St. Joseph Minor Seminary
22 Arctus Ave.
Mt Holly, NC 28120
*Building will be complete in May 2020. Once completed, the seminary chapel will be open to pilgrims from 9am – 5pm daily.